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Maruawe (Greetings) to the 4 Directions Soap family!

With my recent bouts with personal health issues, I am pleased to announce that there are some soap restocks and a new, VERY limited soap that will soon be making their way into the store!

First up, I made mention a few months back that I was searching around for different suppliers of the various ingredients for my soap so that I could get my production costs down, which would have the end result of reducing the price of the soap for you. I am THRILLED to announce that I have secured a few (not many) bulk suppliers for some of my ingredients and will now be able to offer my 100% natural soaps and body butters for a more affordable price!! Needless to say, I am "over the moon" about this and so happy to now be able to provide less expensive soap while still maintaining the top quality of my 100% natural products!

Secondly, I would like to let you know that two popular soaps will be returning to the store in the next couple of weeks!! The first one will be "Caribbean Breeze" and will be available within the next few days. A few weeks later, the wonderfully sweet smelling "Love Spell" will become available (it still has to finish curing).

Lastly, there is a new soap that I've created and think that it absolutely smells divine! I have created a soap that I am calling "Flowering Willow and Lotus Blossoms" and just love how the scent turned-out! While I have partially decided on the previously mentioned name, I am still not 100% sure that it will be the final name given to the soap. I may yet "tweak" the name in an attempt to make it a little shorter... but it certainly dones not change how light and refreshing this soap smells!

So... here is what you need to know about the "Willow and Lotus" soap: Since it is a very early, first-batch test run, the soap will NOT be available for purchase directly on the web store. Once I get the soap wrapped and ready to sell, I will post an announcement that it is ready for purchase along with the price per bar. If you are interested in grabbing some of this soap, just send an e-mail to me at with "Willow and Lotus" as the title and let me know that you're interested and the number of bars that you would like. Remember: There is NOT a lot of this new soap, so you will definitely need to act quickly once I make the announcement! IF you do get lucky enough to get a bar, all that I ask is that you send me some feedback about it to let me know the things that you do like and don't like about it. This is a completely new soap and I am always wanting to adjust my products to make them be the best items possible.

Ok fam, that's all I've got for now! I hope that you are as excited as I am about these soaps and I wish you a smooth, pleasant week!

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I am very pleased to announce that as of today, Friday, 08 JUL 2022, the *NEW* soap is now available in an extremely limited quantity...

1 Comment

Shelli Allen
Shelli Allen
Jun 07, 2022

Im so happy your feeling better brother🧡🧡🧡, and Happy Pride month! Oh I just ordered some more body butter in my fave scent Lavendar❤

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